April is more than showers that later lead to beautiful flowers. It also happens to be Oral Cancer Awareness Month. The number of new cases of oral cavity and pharynx cancer in 2016 was 48,330. While this might seem low in comparison with other types of cancers, it is still far too high for a disease that can easily be detected by a visit to your dentist in Wayne, NJ.
Why Detection Is Important
Visiting your dentist regularly is extremely important in the detection and treatment of cancer of the mouth. Your dentist can monitor the state of your mouth and take notice if there are any serious changes. While you might be familiar with the large machines used every few years or so, your dentist is likely to have other easy options to quickly assess if there are any troublesome areas in your mouth that can be treated right away. The sooner a problem is detected, the faster you can receive treatment, which increases the odds of preventing the spread of cells and beating the cancer entirely.
What to Expect From Your Dentist
Dr. Laurence C. Breiterman uses the VELscope® Vx handheld device for oral cancer detection. This machine emits a blue light with a special filter that makes any abnormal cells visible. The process takes very little time and could make all the difference if treatment is necessary. A quick screening can put your mind at ease as to the health of your mouth and you can proceed with your regular checkups until you need another screening.
Spread the News and Schedule a Visit
Let your friends and family know that April is the perfect time for checking for oral and pharynx cancer. It takes little time and makes a world of difference for early detection. Contact our office today to schedule a dental checkup with Dr. Breiterman your local dentist in Wayne, NJ.