Should I Ask My Dentist About Sedation?
Sedation dentistry is a growing segment within the dentistry field, and this is because it can be used to relieve a patient of their dental anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety or a fear of going to the dentist then it would be beneficial to discuss the different types of sedation options that are available to you with your dentist. One of the most common questions related to sedation is whether it is the same as anesthesia.
Is Sedation the Same as Anesthesia?
Although, sedation and anesthesia provide the same results in terms of putting the patient to sleep they are not considered the same thing. The main reason being is that local anesthesia is used to numb the patients pain and it can also be applied to a specific area of the patient’s body. While on the other hand, general anesthesia is used to put the patient to sleep in order to prepare them to undergo a procedure.
Also, when it comes to sedation it entails using sedatives to relax a patient. Also, the amount of sedation used or needed depends on the patient’s level of anxiety. The levels of sedation also range from feelings of calmness to the opposite end of being given enough of a sedative to cause the patient to fall asleep. However, unlike anesthesia patients who are put to sleep using a sedative can be woken up when the surgery is finished. If anesthesia is used the patient can’t be roused and must sleep the medication off.
How Are Sedatives Administered?
Sedatives can be administered in a variety of ways and the method of delivery depends on the patient. Please review the different types of sedation below to learn more about how sedation is administered:
Nitrous oxide – This type of sedative known as “laughing gas” is given using a face mask.
Intravenously (IV) – This type of sedative is injected directly into a patient’s arm using an IV.
Oral sedatives – This type of sedative involves patients taking a sedative in pill form by mouth.
Where Can I Find Out Even More?
If you have further questions about sedation dentistry you can feel free to reach out to your dentist to get your questions answered, and to find out what type of sedation would be the best option for you.