How Can Sedation Dentistry Help You Relax?

Sedation Dentistry 
If you are suffering from dental anxiety and if it is causing you to avoid seeking dental treatment, then it may be beneficial if you sought out sedation dentistry. Sedation can be used to help patients who are suffering from dental anxiety to relax and calm their nerves so that dental procedures as well as dental treatments can be done. Also, just like there are different types of dental anxiety there are also different types of sedation. To learn more about the different types of sedation please review each type below:

Inhaled Sedation
One common form of sedation is inhaled, and this is done by using nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas to control the patient’s dental anxiety. In addition, to this form of sedation there are other types:

  • Minimal sedation: You are completely awake, but you are also completely relaxed.
  • Moderate sedation: You may slur words, but you don’t remember much of your visit.
  • Deep sedation: You are on the edge of sleep, but you can be awakened at any time.


Oral Sedation
When it comes to oral sedation an oral medication is taken approximately one hour before your dental appointment. Although you will be awake for the procedure the oral sedative makes you more relaxed.

Schedule Your Consultation
If you are suffering from dental anxiety and if you are avoiding seeking dental treatment then it would be beneficial if you sought out sedation dentistry. Doing so will allow you to comfortably undergo dental treatment while remaining in a relaxed state of mind. Please contact us to schedule your appointment.


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